Let’s “press for progress” this International Women’s Day

National Council of Women of New Zealand President and Gender Equal NZ spokesperson, Vanisa Dhiru, has a simple message for all New Zealanders this International Women’s Day: “let’s press for progress”. “The World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report shows gender equality could be over 200 years away,” says Vanisa. “This is absolutely unacceptable … Continue reading Let’s “press for progress” this International Women’s Day

Let’s do better – let’s be better, so that all genders can be safe from sexual violence

Gender Equal NZ supports Hayley Young in speaking out about sexual harassment and rape. National Council of Women of New Zealand President and Gender Equal NZ spokesperson Vanisa Dhiru says that Hayley’s story will resonate with many women in New Zealand. New Zealand has the worst reported rates of sexual and domestic violence in the … Continue reading Let’s do better – let’s be better, so that all genders can be safe from sexual violence

How can we expect to achieve gender equality for all genders, when Maori, Pacifica and Asian women are not even equal with Pakeha women?

National Council of Women President and Gender Equal NZ spokesperson Vanisa Dhiru says we cannot hope to achieve true gender equality when we are leaving some groups of women behind. Yesterday’s Public Service Workforce Data report shows that while ethnic diversity in the public service overall is increasing, the ethnic pay gap is not, with … Continue reading How can we expect to achieve gender equality for all genders, when Maori, Pacifica and Asian women are not even equal with Pakeha women?

Gender Equal NZ supports move by Vodafone NZ Music Awards to include all genders

Gender Equal NZ, led by the National Council of Women, congratulates the Vodafone NZ Music Awards on their decision to be more inclusive of all genders ahead of their Awards next week. The decision was made by Vodafone NZ Music Awards to remove specific categories for male and female for the Best Solo Artist Award … Continue reading Gender Equal NZ supports move by Vodafone NZ Music Awards to include all genders

World Economic Forum ranks NZ 9th in world on gender equality – let’s act now before we slip any further.

World Economic Forum ranks NZ 9th in world on gender equality – let’s act now before we slip any further. National Council of Women President and Gender Equal NZ Spokesperson Vanisa Dhiru says slipping to be ranked 9th is shameful for all of us. “In Aotearoa New Zealand we like to think we are pretty … Continue reading World Economic Forum ranks NZ 9th in world on gender equality – let’s act now before we slip any further.

Gender Equal NZ supports steps by new Govt to improve pay equity legislation

The National Council of Women President and Gender Equal NZ Spokesperson, Vanisa Dhiru says “we are pleased to hear that the new Government is throwing out the current equal pay Bill – and will be working to introduce new legislation that better meets the needs of all New Zealanders.” “The fact that we have a … Continue reading Gender Equal NZ supports steps by new Govt to improve pay equity legislation