We want to bridge the gap between equality and reality
We want all New Zealanders to have the freedom to determine their own future – free of gender stereotypes and constraints. To do this, we need to shift our deep-seated sexist attitudes and assumptions to highlight the real state of equality in our country.
We want
- All genders to be safe from violence
- All genders to have their health needs met
- All genders to be encouraged and to have equal opportunities to learn
- All genders to receive mandatory education on sexual consent
- All genders to be supported, encouraged and fairly represented in leadership
- All genders to have an equal standard of living
- All genders to have their paid and unpaid work valued
- All genders to receive equal treatment in the media and be represented equally.
Gender inequality persists in all aspects of our lives. It negatively impacts businesses, government, families, our communities and of course, individuals.
For more than a century, many groups and individuals have worked hard to address gender inequality in pay, violence, parenting and education.
Our leading organisation, the National Council of Women has been heavily involved in this fight since 1896. But progress has been slow and patchy. We once led the OECD in gender equality but over time we have slipped and we are now ranked 7th.
We’re determined to make equality, reality for all New Zealanders We’re kicking off with three new pieces of work that will hold New Zealand to account. With your support, we will increasingly put the spotlight on the cultural and societal norms that enable gender inequality to grow.
Why gender equality matters
Well – aside from the fact that it’s fair, it’s right and it’s just – we would all be better off socially and economically if New Zealand was gender equal. We could boost our GDP by 10% if we actually used the potential of all genders.
But more than the money – gender equality would make us all happier. Those countries that are the most gender equal score highest on the happiness scale.
We want the sexism, which underpins negative outcomes for women and gender diverse people, to become visible and unacceptable.
We want to challenge the rigid, stereotypical gender roles which disadvantage all genders.
We want a gender positive culture that celebrates gender diversity.
We want to make equality, reality for all New Zealanders.
So, what would real equality look like?
It would look like all genders having the freedom and opportunity to determine their own future.
People would be able to express their personalities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices.
We believe:
- Gender is diverse and expansive
Genitals do not determine gender
- Sex traits (including chromosomes and reproductive organs) do not determine gender
- There are many combinations of sex traits
- Men are not inherently superior to other genders
- Trans women are women
- Trans men are men
- Non-binary people are visible, valid and respected
- All genders are visible, valid and respected
- All genders are equal
With your help, we can make equality, reality for all New Zealanders.